Francene Levinson Abstract Digital Art
Renee Phillips, Author, Arts Advocate, Art Marketing Advisor & Artists Promoter. Director of Manhattan Arts International, NYC, NY. Curator, Healing Power of Art exhibition, New York, NY · ManhattanArts.com wrote: "Francene Levinson, "Phoenix", exquisite modular paper sculpture"
Renee Phillips tweeted:"@franlevinson takes Chinese modular paper folding technique “Zhe Zhi” to innovative current art form
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Sculpsite.com News
Paper Sculptures by Artist Francene Levinson transform modular 3d Origami into beautiful museum quality fine art - that is the tag-line of her website. That pretty much says it all, except for the fact that this work is world class, I can say it and mean it! The design, it's fluidity and detail - click here and get lost for a while